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Choi Jung-woo

Choi Jung-woo



  • Fecha de nacimiento17/02/57
  • Lugar de nacimientoSouth Korea


Choi Jung-woo
<strong>Fuente:</strong> <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href=""></a> / Korean Culture and Information Service - <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Presidents of the Republic Of Korea</a>
Choi Jung-woo
<strong>Fuente:</strong> <a href="//;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Kinocine (page does not exist)">Kinocine PARKJEAHWAN4wiki</a> - <span class="int-own-work" lang="en">Own work</span>
Choi Jung-woo
<strong>Fuente:</strong> <a href="//;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="User:Kinocine (page does not exist)">Kinocine PARKJEAHWAN4wiki</a> - <span class="int-own-work" lang="en">Own work</span>
Choi Jung-woo
<strong>Fuente:</strong> 박재환 - <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href=""></a>
Choi Jung-woo
<strong>Fuente:</strong> Green, John; Choi, Ji Min; Kim, Sang Gyun; Kim, Jung; Han, Seung Jun; Park, Jae Yong; Oh, Sooyeon; Im, Jong Pil; Kim, Joo Sung; Kim, Woo Ho; Jung, Hyun Chae - <cite style="font-style:normal"> (2017). "Clinical implications of pre-existing adenoma in endoscopically resected early gastric cancers". <i>PLOS ONE</i> <b>12</b> (5): e0178419. <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:Digital object identifier">DOI</a>:<a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">10.1371/journal.pone.0178419</a>. <a href="" class="extiw" title="en:International Standard Serial Number">ISSN</a> <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">1932-6203</a>.</cite><br>- "Fig 2- available via license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"
Choi Jung-woo
<strong>Fuente:</strong> Green, John; Choi, Ji Min; Kim, Sang Gyun; Kim, Jung; Han, Seung Jun; Park, Jae Yong; Oh, Sooyeon; Im, Jong Pil; Kim, Joo Sung; Kim, Woo Ho; Jung, Hyun Chae - <cite style="font-style:normal"> (2017). "Clinical implications of pre-existing adenoma in endoscopically resected early gastric cancers". <i>PLOS ONE</i> <b>12</b> (5): e0178419. <a href="" class="extiw" title="w:Digital object identifier">DOI</a>:<a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">10.1371/journal.pone.0178419</a>. <a href="" class="extiw" title="en:International Standard Serial Number">ISSN</a> <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">1932-6203</a>.</cite><br>- "Fig 2- available via license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International"

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